Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Self-Worth/Potential Position Statement

I chose this topic because I have always struggled with feelings of worthlessness.  I am so grateful that I chose this topic and truly feel I was inspired to do so as it helped me to really recognize my self-worth and motivated me to live up to the potential within me.  First and foremost, I am a daughter of God.  I am of a royal heritage and have a divine worth.  I have grown up knowing this truth but I guess I never really let it soak in and become part of my very existence.  Really, truly knowing that I am a daughter of God has made all the difference is how I see and feel about myself.  How can I call myself worthless when I am one of His beloved daughters?  I know that I am His and that He loves me.  I know that even though I have made mistakes, I am not worthless.  I will always try to remember this when those feelings of self-hatred creep into my mind.  How grateful I am to know that I am a child of God!!

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