Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Self-Reliance/Provident Living #5

"Today I speak to all whose freedom to choose has been diminished by the effects of ill-advised choices of the past. I speak specifically of choices that have led to excessive debt and addictions to food, drugs, pornography, and other patterns of thought and action that diminish one’s sense of self-worth. All of these excesses affect us individually and undermine our family relationships. Of course some debt incurred for education, a modest home, or a basic automobile may be necessary to provide for a family. Unfortunately however, additional debt is incurred when we cannot control our wants and addictive impulses. And for both debt and addiction, the hopeful solution is the same—we must turn to the Lord and follow His commandments. We must want more than anything else to change our lives so that we can break the cycle of debt and our uncontrolled wants."
Elder Robert D. Hales, "Becoming Provident Providers Temporally and Spiritually," General Conference May 2009

Self-Reliance/Provident Living #4

“Being provident providers, we must keep that most basic commandment, ‘Thou shalt not covet’(Exodus 20:17). Our world is fraught with feelings of entitlement. . . . If our family does not have everything the neighbors have, . . . we go into debt to buy things we can’t afford,and things we do not really need. Whenever we do this, we become poor temporally and spiritually”
Elder Robert D. Hales, "Becoming Provident Providers Temporally and Spiritually," General Conference May 2009

Mental Health- Depression/Anxiety #10

“Many of us, in moments of personal anguish, feel that God is far from us. The pavilion that seems to intercept divine aid does not cover God but occasionally covers us. God is never hidden, yet sometimes we are, covered by a pavilion of motivations that draw us away from God and make Him seem distant and inaccessible.”
President Henry B. Eyring, "Where Is the Pavilion," General Conference October 2012

Mental Health- Depression/Anxiety #9

“Just when all seems to be going right, challenges often come in multiple doses applied simultaneously. When those trials are not consequences of your disobedience, they are evidence that the Lord feels you are prepared to grow more (Proverbs 3:11–12). He therefore gives you experiences that stimulate growth, understanding, and compassion which polish you for your everlasting benefit. To get you from where you are to where He wants you to be requires a lot of stretching, and that generally entails discomfort and pain.”
Elder Richard G. Scott, "Trust In The Lord," General Conference October 1995

Mental Health- Depression/Anxiety #8

“No matter how difficult the trail … we can take comfort in knowing that others before us have borne life’s most grievous trials and tragedies by looking to heaven.”
Elder Russell M. Nelson, "You Have Nothing To Fear From the Journey," General Conference April 1997

Teaching #10

"May I urge each member of the Church, when you are serving as a teacher, to remember that every human soul is precious to our Father in Heaven, for we are all his children. God’s children are entitled to be taught the truths of the gospel in clear and understandable terms so that the Spirit can confirm the truths of the gospel to them.
"My plea to the teachers of the Church is to study, ponder, and pray for guidance in your preparation. Use the scriptures and the approved curriculum materials, teaching with the objective to bless and inspire the lives of those assigned to you. Let us also remember that some of the most effective activation work in the Church is accomplished by those teachers who reach out to the inactive, loving and teaching them until they are once again in full fellowship with the Saints."
Elder Russell M. Ballard, "Teaching--No Greater Call." General Conference April 1983

Teaching #9

"The child grows in wisdom and also in stature. Learning and doing become priorities to be addressed.
"There are those who dismiss these responsibilities, feeling they can be deferred until the child grows up. Not so, the evidence reveals. Prime time for teaching is fleeting. Opportunities are perishable. The parent who procrastinates the pursuit of his responsibility as a teacher may, in years to come, gain bitter insight into Whittier’s expression: “Of all sad words of tongue or pen, / The saddest are these: ‘It might have been!’
President Thomas S. Monson, "Teach the Children," General Conference October 1997

Teaching #8

"Inspired instruction in the home and in the Church helps provide this crucial element of nourishing by the good word of God. We are so grateful to all who teach. We love you and appreciate you more than we can say. We have great confidence in you. To teach effectively and to feel you are succeeding is demanding work indeed. But it is worth it. We can receive 'no greater call.'  Surely the opportunity to magnify that call exists everywhere. The need for it is everlasting. Fathers, mothers, siblings, friends, missionaries, home and visiting teachers, priesthood and auxiliary leaders, classroom instructors—each is, in his or her own way, 'come from God' for our schooling and our salvation. In this Church it is virtually impossible to find anyone who is not a guide of one kind or another to his or her fellow members of the flock. Little wonder that Paul would say in his writings, 'God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers.'”
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, "A Teacher Come From God," General Conference April 1998

Teaching #7

"Our concern with gospel teaching is not limited to those who are called to teach in the priesthood quorums, in the Primary, Relief Society, Sunday School, Young Women, and in other assignments. In the Lord’s great plan of salvation there are no more important teachers than parents, who teach their children constantly by example and by precept. Each of us teaches those around us by example. Even children teach one another. Every missionary is a teacher. And every leader is a teacher. As President Hinckley taught many years ago, 'Effective teaching is the very essence of leadership in the Church.'”
Elder Dallin H. Oakes, "Gospel Teaching," General Conference October 1999

Teaching #6

"Every member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is, or will be, a teacher. Each of us has a vital interest in the content and effectiveness of gospel teaching. We want everyone to have great gospel teachers, and we want those teachers to help all of us find our way back, not just to them but to our Heavenly Father."
Elder Dallin H. Oakes, "Gospel Teaching," October 1999

Teaching #5

'Teaching in the home is becoming increasingly important in today’s world, where the influence of the adversary is so widespread and he is attacking, attempting to erode and destroy the very foundation of our society, even the family. Parents must resolve that teaching in the home is a most sacred and important responsibility. While other institutions, such as church and school, can assist parents to 'train up a child in the way he [or she] should go' (Proverbs 22:6), ultimately this responsibility rests with parents. According to the great plan of happiness, it is parents who are entrusted with the care and development of our Heavenly Father’s children."
Elder L. Tom Perry, "Mothers Teaching In the Home," General Conference April 2010

Pornography #10

"As we encounter that evil carrier, the pornography beetle, let our battle standard and that of our communities be taken from that famous ensign of early America, 'Don’t tread on me' (John Bartlett, Familiar Quotations, p. 1090).
"Let us join in the fervent declaration of Joshua: 'Choose you this day whom ye will serve … but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord' (Josh. 24:15). Let our hearts be pure. Let our lives be clean. Let our voices be heard. Let our actions be felt.
"Then the beetle of pornography will be halted in its deadly course. Pernicious permissiveness will have met its match. And we, with Joshua, will safely cross over Jordan into the promised land—even to eternal life in the celestial kingdom of our God."
President Thomas S. Monson, "Pornography--the Deadly Carrier," General Conference October 1979

Pornography #9

"Then suddenly, there appears before us in this generation a sinister and diabolical enemy--pornography. Like the bark beetle it too is the carrier of a deadly disease. I shall name it 'pernicious permissiveness.'
"At first we scarcely realize we have been infected. We laugh and make light-hearted comment concerning the off-color story or the clever cartoon. With evangelical zeal we protect the so-called rights of those who would contaminate with smut and destroy all that is precious and sacred. The beetle of pornography is doing his deadly task—undercutting our will, destroying our immunity, and stifling that upward reach within each of us."
President Thomas S. Monson, "Pornography--the Deadly Carrier," General Conference October 1979

Pornography #8

“Pornography will always repel the Spirit of Christ and will interrupt the communications between our Heavenly Father and His children and disrupt the tender relationship between husband and wife.”
President Boyd K. Packer, "Cleansing The Inner Vessel," General Conference October 2010

Pornography #7

“Stay away from pornography as you would avoid a serious disease. It is as destructive. It can become habitual, and those who indulge in it get so they cannot leave it alone. It is addictive.”
President Gordon B. Hinckley, "Living Worthy of the Girl You Will Someday Marry," General Conference April 1998

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Pornography #6

"Pornography is also addictive. It impairs decision-making capacities and it “hooks” its users, drawing them back obsessively for more and more. A man who had been addicted to pornography and to hard drugs wrote me this comparison: “In my eyes cocaine doesn’t hold a candle to this. I have done both. … Quitting even the hardest drugs was nothing compared to [trying to quit pornography]” (letter of Mar. 20, 2005)."
Elder Dallin H. Oakes, "Pornography," General Conference April 2005

Pornography #5

"Don’t accommodate any degree of temptation. Prevent sin and avoid having to deal with its inevitable destruction. So, turn it off! Look away! Avoid it at all costs. Direct your thoughts in wholesome paths. Remember your covenants and be faithful in temple attendance."
Elder Dallin H. Oakes, "Pornography," General Conference April 2005

Pornography #4

“Pornographic or erotic stories and pictures are worse than filthy or polluted food. The body has defenses to rid itself of unwholesome food. With a few fatal exceptions, bad food will only make you sick but do no permanent harm. In contrast, a person who feasts upon filthy stories or pornographic or erotic pictures and literature records them in this marvelous retrieval system we call a brain. The brain won’t vomit back filth. Once recorded, it will always remain subject to recall, flashing its perverted images across your mind and drawing you away from the wholesome things in life.”
Elder Dallin H. Oakes, "Pornography," General Conference April 2005

Agency #10

“When we stand at the crossroads of life and must make a decision whether to go to the great and spacious building of the world’s ways or to walk the straight and narrow path that leads to eternal life, we must realize that we cannot travel both roads although sometimes we try.”
Elder Robert D. Hales, "Making Righteous Choices At the Crossroads of Life," General Conference October 1988

Agency #9

“By virtue of this agency you and I and all mankind are made responsible beings, responsible for the course we pursue, the lives we live, the deeds we do.”
President Thomas S. Monson, "Choose You This Day," General Conference October 2004

Agency #8

“Why has your moral agency been given to you? Only to live a pleasurable life and to make choices to do the things you want to do? Or is there a more fundamental reason—to be able to make the choices that will lead you to fully implement your purpose for being here on earth and to establish priorities in your life that will assure the development and happiness the Lord wants you to receive.”
Elder Richard G. Scott, "First Things First," General Conference April 2001

Atonement #10

“To all of you who think you are lost or without hope, or who think you have done too much that was too wrong for too long, to every one of you who worry that you are stranded somewhere on the wintry plains of life and have wrecked your handcart in the process, this conference calls out Jehovah’s unrelenting refrain, “[My] hand is stretched out still.” “I shall lengthen out mine arm unto them,” He said, “[and even if they] deny me; nevertheless, I will be merciful unto them, … if they will repent and come unto me; for mine arm is lengthened out all the day long, saith the Lord God of Hosts.” His mercy endureth forever, and His hand is stretched out still. His is the pure love of Christ, the charity that never faileth, that compassion which endures even when all other strength disappears.”
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland,"Prophets In The Land Again," General Conference October 2006

Atonement #9

“Man unquestionably has impressive powers… But after all our obedience and good works, we cannot be saved from the effects of our sins without the grace extended by the atonement of Jesus Christ… Man cannot earn his own salvation.”
Elder Dallin H. Oakes, "What Think Ye Of Christ," General Conference October 1988

Atonement #8

"That having been said, the Resurrection and Atonement wrought by the Savior and the promise of eternal life with our loved ones are of such overwhelming significance that to not rejoice would demonstrate a lack of understanding of the Savior’s gift.
"Joy comes when we have the Spirit in our lives (see Alma 22:15). When we have the Spirit, we rejoice in what the Savior has done for us."
Elder Quentin L. Cook, "Rejoice," General Conference October 1996

Atonement #7

“Imagine the consoling, liberating, exalting feeling that will come to you when you see the reality of the Atonement and the practical, everyday value of it to you individually.”
President Boyd K. Packer, "Washed Clean," General Conference April 1997

Charity/Service #7

"This kind of redemptive work means helping people with their problems.  It means befriending the poor and the weak, alleviating suffering, righting wrongs, defending truth, strengthening the rising generation, and achieving security and happiness at home.  Much of our redemptive work on earth is to help others grow and achieve their just hopes and aspirations."
Elder D. Todd Cristofferson, "Redemption," General Conference April 2013

Atonement #6

"The Savior's suffering in Gethsemane and His agony on the cross redeem us from sin by satisfying the demands that justice has upon us.  He extends mercy and pardons those who repent.  The Atonement also satisfies the debt justice owes to us by healing and compensating us for any suffering we innocently endure.  'For behold, he suffereth the pains of all men, yea, the pains of every living creature, both men, women, ,and children, who belong to the family of Adam' (2 Nephi 9:21; see also Alma 7:11-12)."
Elder D. Todd Cristofferson, "Redemption," General Conference April 2013

Agency #7

"Men and women receive their agency as a gift from God, but their liberty, and, in turn, their eternal happiness come from obedience to His laws."
Elder L. Tom Perry, "Obedience to Law is Liberty," General Conference April 2013

Agency #6

"Victory in the War in Heaven was a victory for man's agency.
"Each choice you and I make is a test of our agency--whether we choose to be obedient or disobedient to the commandments of God is actually a choice between ''liberty and eternal life' and 'captivity and death.' "
Elder L. Tom Perry, "Obedience to Law is Liberty," General Conference April 2013

Self-Worth/Potential #4

"My dear sisters, as you live your daily life with all its blessings and challenges, let me assure you that the Lord loves you.  He knows you.  He listens to your prayers, and He answers those prayers, wherever on this world you may be.  He wants you to succeed in this life and in eternity."
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, "The Influence of Righteous Women," Liahona September 2009

Self-Worth/Potential #3

"May I invite you to rise to the great potential within you.  But don't reach beyond your capacity.  Don't set goals beyond your capacity to achieve.  Don't feel guilty or dwell on thoughts of failure.  Don't compare yourself with others.  Do the best you can, and the Lord will provide the rest.  Have faith and confidence in Him, and you will see miracles happen in your life and the lives of your loved ones.  The virtue of your own life will be a light to those who sit in darkness, because you are a living witness of the fulness of the gospel (see D&C 45:28).  Wherever you have been planted on this beautiful but often troubled earth of ours, you can be the one to 'succor the weak, lift up the hands which hang down, and strengthen the feeble knees' (D&C 81:5)."
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, "The Influence of Righteous Women," Liahona September 2009

Family #10

"There is a saying that big gates move on small hinges.  Sisters, your example in seemingly small things will make a big difference in the lives of our young people.  The way you dress and groom yourselves, the way you talk, they way you pray, the way you testify, the way you live every day will make the difference.  The includes which TV shows you watch, which music you prefer, and how you use the Internet.  If you love to go to the temple, the young people who value your example will also love to go.  If you adapt your wardrobe to the temple garment and not the other way around, they will know what you consider important, and they will learn from you."
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, "The Influence of Righteous Women," Liahona September 2009

Mental Health- Depression/Anxiety #7

"... I invite you to walk confidently and joyfully.  Yes, the road has bumps and detours and even some hazards. But don't focus on them.  Look for the happiness your Father in Heaven has prepared for you in every step of your journey.  Happiness is the destination, but it's also the path.  'Peace in this world, and eternal life in the world to come' is what He promises.  That is why he commands us to 'be of good cheer.' "
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, "Your Wonderful Journey Home," General Conference April 2013

Charity/Service #6

"...when your primary thoughts and behaviors are focused on serving God and others--when you truly desire to bless and lift up those around you--then the power of the pure love of Christ can work in your heart and life.  That is the language you want to learn."
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, "Your Wonderful Journey Home," General Conference April 2013

Mental Health- Depression/Anxiety #6

"Lift up your soul in prayer and explain to your Heavenly Father what you are feeling.  Acknowledge your shortcomings.  Pour out your heart and express your gratitude.  Let Him know of the trials you are facing.  Plead with Him in Christ's name for strength and support.  Ask that your ears may be opened, that you may hear his voice.  Ask that your eyes may be opened, that you may see His light."
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, "The Hope of God's Light," General Conference April 2013

Mental Health- Depression/Anxiety #5

"She sought counseling and medical help and began to realize that, for her, the best path for healing was to understand and accept that darkness exists--but not to dwell there.  For, as she now knew, light also exists--and that is where she chose to dwell."
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, "The Hope of God's Light," General Conference April 2013

Mental Health- Depression/Anxiety #4

"...even though we may feel lost in the midst of our current circumstances, God promises the hope of His light--He promises to illuminate the way before us and show us the way out of darkness."
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, "The Hope of God's Light," General Conference April 2013

Atonement #5

''Without the Atonement of Jesus Christ, life would be a dead-end road without hope or future.  With the Atonement, life is an ennobling, inspiring journey of growth and development that leads to eternal life in the presence of our Heavenly Father."
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, "Four Titles," General Conference April 2013

Self-Worth/Potential #2

"It can be discouraging at times to know what it means to be a son of God and yet come up short.  The adversary likes to take advantage of these feelings.  Satan would rather that you define yourself by your sins instead of your divine potential.  Brethren, don't listen to him."
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, "Four Titles," General Conference April 2013

Self Worth/Potential #1

"One title that defines all of us in the most fundamental way is son of Heavenly Father.  No matter what else we are or do in life, we must never forget that we are God's literal spirit children.  We were His children before we came to this world, and we will be His children forevermore.  This basic truth should change the way we look at ourselves, our brothers and sisters, and life itself."
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, "Four Titles," General Conference April 2013

Agency #5

"In addition, use your agency to develop yourself personally.  As you discover your gifts and talents, remember that parents and mentors may assist you, but you must let the Spirit guide you.  Choose and act for yourself.  Be motivated from within.  Make a plan for your life, including education or vocational training.  Explore interests and skills.  Work and become self-reliant.  Set goals, overcome mistakes, gain experience, and finish what you begin.
"Along the way be sure to participate in family, quorum, class, and combined Mutual activities.  Enjoy wholesome fun together.  Through these experiences you will come to respect and appreciate one another's spiritual gifts and the eternal, complementary natures of the sons and daughters of God."
Elder Robert D. Hales, "Stand Strong in Holy Places,"  General Conference April 2013

Missionary Work #10

"I promise you, as you pray to know with whom to speak, names and faces will come into your mind.  Words to speak will be given in the very moment you need them.  Opportunities will open to you.  Faith will overcome doubt, and the Lord will bless you with your very own miracles."
Elder Neil L. Anderson, "It's A Miracle," General Conference April 2013

Missionary Work #9

"Brothers and sisters, as surely as the Lord has inspired more missionaries to serve, He is also awakening the minds and opening the hearts of more good and honest people to receive His missionaries.  You already know them.  They are in your family and live in your neighborhood.  They walk past you on the street, sit by you in school, and connect with you online.  You too are an important part of this unfolding miracle."
Elder Neil L. Anderson, "It's A Miracle," General Conference April 2013

Teaching #4

"We have the greatest opportunity with the young.  The best time to teach is early, while children are still immune to the temptations of their mortal enemy and long before the words of truth may be harder for them to hear in the noise of their personal struggles.
"A wise parent would never miss a chance to gather children together to learn of the doctrine of Jesus Christ.  Such moments are so rare in comparison with the efforts of the enemy.  For every hour the power of doctrine is introduced into a child's life, there may be hundreds of hours of messages and images denying or ignoring the saving truths.
"The question should not be whether we are too tired to prepare to teach doctrine or whether it would be better to draw a child closer by just having fun or whether the child is beginning to think that we preach too much.  The question must be, 'With so little time and so few opportunities, what words of doctrine from me will fortify them against the attacks on their faith which are sure to come?'  The words you speak today may be the ones they remember.  And today will soon by gone."
Elder Henry B. Eyring, "Teaching True Doctrine," Liahona April 2009

Teaching #3

"Because we need the Holy Ghost, we must be cautious and careful not to go beyond teaching true doctrine.  The Holy Ghost is the Spirit of Truth.  His confirmation is invited by our avoiding speculation or personal interpretation.  That can be hard to do.  You the the person you are trying to influence.  He or she may have ignored the doctrine previously heard.  It is tempting to try something new or sensational.  But we invite the Holy Ghost as our companion when we are careful to teach only true doctrine."
Elder Henry B. Eyring, "Teaching True Doctrine," Liahona April 2009

Teaching #2

"The need to open eyes and hearts tells us how we must teach doctrine.  Doctrine gains its power as the Holy Ghost confirms that it is true.  We prepare those we teach, as best as we can, to receive the quiet promptings of the still, small voice.  That takes at least some of faith in Jesus Christ.  It takes at least some humility, some willingness to surrender to the Savior's will for us.  The person you would help may have little of either, but you can urge that he or she desire to believe.  More than that, you can take confidence from another of the powers of doctrine.  Truth can prepare its own way.  Simply hearing the words of doctrine can plant the seed of faith in the heart.  And even a tiny seed of faith in Jesus Christ invites the Spirit."
Elder Henry B. Eyring, "Teaching True Doctrine," Liahona April 2009

Missionary Work #8

"... it was not so much the duty anyone performed but the way they all became one in their enthusiasm to bring people into the community of Saints that had brought them such happiness."
President Henry B. Eyring, "We Are One," General Conference April 2013

Missionary Work #7

"The Lord made it clear at the very start of this last dispensation that we were to take the gospel to all the world.  What He said to the few priesthood holders in 1831 He says to the many now.  Whatever your age, capacity, Church calling, or location, we are as one called to the work to help Him in His harvest of souls until He comes again."
President Henry B. Eyring, "We Are One," General Conference April 2013

Missionary Work #6

"Together, members and missionaries invite all to learn of God, of Jesus Christ, and of His gospel.  Each inquiring individual should seek earnestly and pray fervently for the assurance that these things are true.  The truth will be manifest by the power of the Holy Ghost."
Elder Russell M. Nelson, "Catch the Wave," General Conference April 2013

Missionary Work #5

"This wave of truth and righteousness is wondrous!  It is not man-made!  It comes from the Lord, who said, 'I will hasten my work in its time.'  This wave is empowered by a divine announcement made 193 years ago.  It consisted of only seven words: 'This is my Beloved Son, Hear Him!'  Uttered by Almighty God, that announcement introduced a young Joseph Smith to the Lord Jesus Christ.  Those seven words launched the Restoration of His gospel.  Why?  Because our living God is a loving God!  He wants His children to know Him and Jesus Christ, whom He has sent!  And He wants His children to gain immortality and eternal life!"
Elder Russell M. Nelson, "Catch the Wave," General Conference April 2013

Teaching #1

"...each child in each classroom, each young man or young woman, each student in seminary or institute, each adult in Gospel Doctrine classes, each missionary--yes, every one of us--has a story waiting to be told.  Listening is an essential element as we teach and as we learn."
President Thomas S. Monson, "Examples of Great Teachers," Liahona June 2007

Atonement #4

"We all participated in the councils of heaven that provided for moral agency, knowing that there would be mortal pain and even unspeakable tragedy because of the abuse of agency.  We understood this could leave us angry, bewildered, defenseless, and vulnerable.  But we also knew that the Savior's Atonement would overcome and compensate for all of the unfairness of moral life and bring us peace."
Elder Quentin L. Cook, "Personal Peace: The Reward of Righteousness," General Conference April 2013

Agency #4

"Agency is essential to the plan of happiness.  It allows for the love, sacrifice, personal growth, and experience necessary for our eternal progression.  This agency also allows for all the pain and suffering we experience in morality, even when caused by things we do not understand and the devastating evil choices of others.  The very War in Heaven was waged over our mortal agency and is essential to understanding the Savior's earthly ministry."
Elder Quentin L. Cook, "Personal Peace: The Reward of Righteousness," General Conference April 2013

Family #9

“A good marriage and good family relationships can be maintained through gentle, loving, thoughtful communication. Remember that often a glance, a wink, a nod, or a touch will say more than words. A sense of humor and good listening are also vital parts of good communication.”
Elder M.Russell Ballard, "Keeping Life's Demands In Balance," General Conference April 1987

Family #8

"Be certain that every decision you make, whether temporal or spiritual, is conditioned on what the Savior would have you do.  When He is the center of your home, there is peace and serenity.  There is a spirit of assurance that pervades the home, and it is felt by all who dwell there."
Elder Richard G. Scott, "For Peace at Home," General Conference April 2013

Charity/Service #5

"I admonish you to be good citizens of the nations in which you live and good neighbors in your communities, reaching out to those of other faiths as well as to our own.  May we be tolerant of, as well as kind and loving to, those who do not share our beliefs and our standards.  The Savior brought to this earth a message of love and goodwill to all men and women.  May we ever follow His example."
President Thomas S. Monson, "Until We Meet Again," General Conference April 2013

Family #7

"Young men, I hope you appreciate the sacrifices which your parents so willingly make in order for you to serve.  Their labors will sustain you, their faith encourage you, their prayers uphold you.  A mission is a family affair.  Though the expanse of continents or oceans may separate, hearts are as one."
President Thomas S. Monson, "Come, All Ye Sons of God," General Conference April 2013

Missionary Work #4

"At best, missionary work necessitates drastic adjustment to one's pattern of living.  It requires long hours and great devotion, selfless sacrifice and fervent prayer.  As a result, dedicated missionary service returns a dividend of eternal joy which extends throughout mortality and into eternity."
President Thomas S. Monson, "Come, All Ye Sons of God," General Conference April 2013

Missionary Work #3

"The holy scriptures contain no proclamation more relevant,, no responsibility more binding, no instruction more direct than the injunction given by the resurrected Lord as He appeared in Galilee to the eleven disciples.  Said He:
'Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
'Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.'
This Divine command, ,coupled with its glorious promise, is our watchword today as it was in the meridian of time.  Missionary work is an identifying feature of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  Always it has been: ever it shall be.  As the Prophet Joseph Smith declared, 'After all that has been said, the greatest and most important duty is to preach the Gospel.' "
President Thomas S. Monson, "Come, All Ye Sons of God," General Conference April 2013