Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Charity/Service Position Statement

As I studied the topic of charity I realized there are two types of charity—the type of charity we give to others and the type of charity the Savior gives us.  I am grateful for both of these types of charity.  I have been so blessed as I have felt the love of my Savior in my life through comfort, being able to repent and from His perfect example.  I have also been so blessed as I have strived to follow His example and serve others.  I know of no greater joy than the joy that comes as I help someone—whether it be something as simple as making my family dinner or bringing a meal to a dear friend who’s in need.  I am going to try harder to be aware of all the opportunities I have in my life to help others and to always be on the Lord’s errand.

Missionary Work Position Statement

I felt I just had to choose missionary work as a topic because I felt so inspired by this topic as I have watched and studied the talks from the last General Conference.  For the first time in my life I can say that I truly feel enthusiastic and optimistic about missionary work instead of it being something I fear or dread in my life.  I truly feel like I have caught the “wave” of enthusiasm for missionary work.  I have realized that we truly do have a glad message to share and I am excited to share it with all that I can.  I have felt comfort from Elder Andersen’s prophetic promise that as we pray about who we can share the gospel with, the spirit will help us to know.  I am so grateful for the commandment and blessing to be a missionary and to share the source of my joy to all I possibly can.

Self-Worth/Potential Position Statement

I chose this topic because I have always struggled with feelings of worthlessness.  I am so grateful that I chose this topic and truly feel I was inspired to do so as it helped me to really recognize my self-worth and motivated me to live up to the potential within me.  First and foremost, I am a daughter of God.  I am of a royal heritage and have a divine worth.  I have grown up knowing this truth but I guess I never really let it soak in and become part of my very existence.  Really, truly knowing that I am a daughter of God has made all the difference is how I see and feel about myself.  How can I call myself worthless when I am one of His beloved daughters?  I know that I am His and that He loves me.  I know that even though I have made mistakes, I am not worthless.  I will always try to remember this when those feelings of self-hatred creep into my mind.  How grateful I am to know that I am a child of God!!

Self-Reliance/Provident Living Position Statement

The principle of self-reliance is really a principle that if lived correctly, is a principle of freedom.  The Lord expects us to be self reliant so we can experience the joy of providing for ourselves, of earning our own way.  I have had times in my life where I have had to rely on others for my support and it was miserable.  Although I was grateful for the help, I felt a great deal of worthlessness and despair.  There are circumstances beyond people’s control where help is required.  But we should always strive to first, be self-reliant, and second, help others to be able to help themselves. I plan on doing this by doing better about living within my own means and developing a better self-discipline when it comes to spending on wants instead of needs.  I know that one of the best ways to obtain peace is to be self-reliant.

Mental Health/Depression Position Statement

As someone who has struggled most of my life with the disease of depression and anxiety I was excited to study more about this topic from the gospel perspective.  I was grateful that it was acknowledge as a real, medical problem and not just a personal weakness.  Knowing that it’s not a personal weakness is so important to getting help and getting better.  I have learned that it’s ok to get medication, to get help.  I have learned that we are NEVER alone and that our Savior will always know how to succor us if we just ask. Prayer is essential to dealing with depression and I am so grateful to have prayer accessible to me whenever I need it.  I have learned that there is always hope through the Atonement and even though there may be times when life is dark, there is always light available through my Savior.  I will strive to remember that during the hard times and be ever grateful for the divine help I have to help me get through this trial.

Teaching Position Statement

I chose the topic of teaching as I have felt strongly inspired to pursue a teaching career instead of nursing as I had planned. All of us in the Church have or will have at some time many opportunities to teach in many capacities.  We will be teachers in church callings, home and visiting teaching, youth activities, in our communities and most importantly, at home.  I have learned there are vital tools to teaching.  It is so important to prepare, to have the Holy Ghost be your guide and to be a great listener.  It is important to teach truth and not to deviate from the provided teaching materials.  I have become so excited to pursue a teaching career but more importantly, to be a more effective teacher in the many teaching roles I already have—most importantly as a mother.